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SQL Server Function to Return DateName

This function will return the date name for a given date time.

    1: USE [DW_SharedDimensions];
    2: GO
    3: IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[util].[uf_GetDateName]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
    4: DROP FUNCTION [util].[uf_GetDateName]
    5: GO
    6: CREATE FUNCTION [util].[uf_GetDateName](
    7:       @date            DATETIME
    8:      ,@includetime    bit
    9:      ,@timeformat    tinyint)
   12: AS
   13: /**********************************************************************************************************
   14: * UDF Name:        
   15: *        [util].[uf_GetDateName]
   16: * Parameters:  
   17: *         @date            datetime - The date to convert
   18: *         @IncludeTime    bit - Include time
   19: *         @timeformat    tinyint - the format of time 12, 24 hour format
   20: * Purpose: This function returns a datename in the format Tuesday, January 01, 2007 This is 
   21: *    useful when you need to convert a datetime value into a full date name.
   22: *
   23: * Example:
   24:     select util.[uf_GetDateName](GETDATE(),1,12)
   25: *              
   26: * Revision Date/Time:
   27: *    August 1, 2007
   28: *
   29: **********************************************************************************************************/
   30: BEGIN
   31:     DECLARE @result NVARCHAR(120)
   33:         SET @result = DATENAME(dw,@date) + ', ' + DATENAME(MONTH,@date) + ' ' + RIGHT('00' + CAST(MONTH(@date) AS NVARCHAR),2) + ' ' + CAST(YEAR(@date) AS NVARCHAR)
   34:         IF (@includetime = 1 AND @timeformat = 24) 
   35:             BEGIN
   36:                 SET @result = @result + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),@date,8)
   37:             END        
   38:         IF (@includetime = 1 AND @timeformat = 12)
   39:             BEGIN
   40:                 SET @result = @result + ' ' + RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(19),@date,100),7)
   41:             END        
   43:     --Return result
   44:     RETURN @result
   45: END;
   46: GO
   47: select util.[uf_GetDateName](GETDATE(),0,12),util.[uf_GetDateName](GETDATE(),1,12),util.[uf_GetDateName](GETDATE(),1,24);
   48: GO

Technorati Tags: SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, TSQL, Function, DateTime