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How to change RDP Port on TS

Terminal services used port 3389 by default. It is well known port TS uses so there can be a chance that it can be a target for attack by network intruders.

Even though network attackers can find the port that is in use, changing TS port from 3389 can make it more difficult to attack a TS server.

TS port can be changed from the registry

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp

Value: Port Number


Data: 3389 in decimal or d3d in hex

We can use any ephemeral port ranging from 1024-4999 by default. After making the registry changes restart the terminal services

To check the port on which terminal server is listening run nestat –aon from command prompt.

++ Remote Desktop Client

      Launch mstsc.exe. In the computer field specify the <TS name>:<port number> e.g. If server name is termserver1 and port is 3900 then we need to put termserver1:3900

++Remote Desktop We Connection

Make connection to web server which host the remote desktop web connection using https://<server name>/ts

Click on the Remote Desktop icon. In Connect to: field specify the <TS name>:<port number>

++Remote Applications:

To configure Remote Applications, accessible through TS Web Access or a custom .rdp file, to use custom Terminal Server port, you must configure custom RDP Settings in TS Remote App Manager MMC snap-in.

RemoteApp Deployment Settings à Terminal Server à RDP Port

Specify the custom port in RDP port field.