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Running a Secure Service

The Ask Perry blog is alive!  In this edition I spend time discussing a topic I frequently hear from customers, "how do we run a secure Office 365 service".  I am joined by my new host Julia White to review this topic both from a data center view and from a customer control perspective.

Here are few of the questions we discuss in this edition.  Hit up the video to get the full conversation.

Is Encryption the silver bullet to provide a secure and private service?

What are the physical containers and logical boundaries to reduce risk in the service?

How does the service employ the concept of "functional boundaries"?

How does the concept of “searchable encryption” work with the service?

Does the concept of a customer controlled encryption key really reduce risk in a service?

What features does the service provide enabling to reduce a customer risk?

You can expect to see the frequency of posts return to normal on the blog.  Additionally I want to remind you that MEC 2014 is less than 7 weeks away.  I will be part of the MEC experience and I invite you to join me in Austin, TX.  Go to to register today. 
