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Installing and Configuring the Windows Mobile Stand Alone Emulator w/MSFP Images

As a follow-up to this post, here are the steps to download and install the “stand alone” device emulator and Windows Mobile 5.0 w/Mobile Security and Feature Pack (MSFP) images. Once the following steps are completed, you will have a PocketPC image, a SmartPhone image and a SmartPhone QVGA image. You can use the emulators to test ActiveSync over-the-air functionality against an SBS 2003/Exchange 2003 server. These steps are not intended to be used to test ActiveSync over-the-air functionality with an SBS2003/Exchange 2003 server on the same LAN as the emulator.


What files to download:

l From, download efp.msi and

l From, download netsvwrap.msi - the Virtual Machine Network Driver for Microsoft Device Emulator.


What to install:

l Launch netsvwrap.msi to install the Virtual Machine Network Services Driver. Follow the on-screen instructions.

l Extract the contents of Launch standalone_emulator_V1.exe to install the Windows Mobile 5.0 Emulator Manager. Follow the on-screen instructions.

l Double click on efp.msi to install the Windows Mobile 5.0 w/MSFP images. Follow the on-screen instructions.


After the install is complete, you can access the emulator(s) via: Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 MSFP Emulator Images.


The options to boot the emulators:

l Device / Coldboot – Starts the selected emulator from a cold state (similar to a hard reset)

l Device / Savestate – Restores the image from the last time the emulator was running assuming “Save State” was selected when the emulator was previously shut down or closed.


Configuring the emulator to connect to the LAN/Internet:

l Launch the emulator of your choice (I strongly recommend the PocketPC. It is much easier to navigate and it uses a touch screen).

l In the Emulator Manager, click File -> Configure…

l Click on the Network tab and place a check next to “Enable NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter to bind to:”. In the dropdown, your physical network card should be selected.

l Click OK.

l Soft reset the device via File -> Reset -> Soft


Getting the emulator on the LAN/Web from behind a proxy server (think ISA server):

l Tap Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Set up my proxy server and place a check next to “This network connects to the Internet” and “This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet” and type in the local IP address of the proxy server.

l If the proxy server uses a non-standard port (something other than 80) like the default SBS install w/ISA2004 does, you will need to modify the port for the proxy server. Tap Advanced and then tap HTTP and edit the port accordingly.

l Click OK all the way out

l Launch Internet Explorer on the device and to go to


Getting the emulator on the internet through a standard NAT device (think the standard Linksys, DLink, etc. device):

l Launch the emulator

l Tap Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks and change the top dropdown selection to “My Work Network”

l Click OK all the way out.

l Launch Internet Explorer on the device and to go to




