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How to create service requests to contact Office 365 support?

In this blogpost we cover how would you create service request(SR) in
new Office 365.


Being an IT admin there would be occasions where you would need to contact support to help you with some technical issue.


In office 365 contacting support is very easy


  1. Log into your tenant by going to Once you login you will he below page. Click on Support.

  2. Once you click on Support, you would see the below screen

    We can either click on Service request and click on the icon below or you can directly click on the other highlighted option "new service request" to directly create a service request |

  3. Once you click on add you will be presented with the below options

  4. Based on the information you provide the wizard will fill in details and create a service request and you will get a page like below

  5. Once the above step is done, you will be contacted from Office 365 support will contact you referencing the ticket number

  6. We can find the list of open SRs that we have using the below option


Technical support initial response times is mentioned in the below link