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Cloud Fundamentals Video Series: Evolving Identity Requirements

From the Trustworthy Computing Blog:

Posted By: Tim Rains, Director, Trustworthy Computing

A key topic when it comes to security is identity.  But, the laws of identity tell us “the Internet was built without a way to know who and what you are connecting to…Since this essential capability is missing, everyone offering an Internet service has had to come up with a workaround. It is fair to say that today’s Internet, absent a native identity layer, is based on a patchwork of identity one-offs.”

Social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn have become one of the primary ways in which people communicate and socialize online.  At the same time there has been a steady proliferation of mobile devices like smart phones that people are using to communicate and connect to the internet.  In addition, cloud based services are being adopted by more and more consumers and organizations.  Identity is an important ingredient in each of these scenarios as well as at the intersection of them; many customers would like to be able to use multiple identities, including those used on social networks and those in their organization’s on-premise Active Directory, to access public and private cloud services from any device they choose to use.

I discuss these trends with Norm Barber, principle program manager in Microsoft’s Active Directory Engineering Division, in this segment of the Trustworthy Computing Cloud Fundamentals Video Series.  Please watch Norm and I discuss the externalization of IT, the consumerization of IT, and the importance of identity as more and more organizations grapple with these trends.

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Cloud Fundamentals Video Series

Please check back on this blog regularly as we continue the Cloud Fundamentals Video Series and explore topics that are important for IT professionals and business decision makers who are interested in cloud security, privacy, and reliability.