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Visual Studio Profiler Team Blog

Another welcome...

Chris Schmich, a former intern on our team, is now back in town and working full time on the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/27/2007

Welcoming Colin to the profiler team

We recently added a new team member here in profiler land and he’s up and kicking with a blog...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/11/2007

Introducing new Visual Studio Profiler Features in the Orcas Beta

Hey all, I'm rolling out a new series of articles about the new Visual Studio Team System Profiler...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/03/2007

New FAQs posted for the profiler and code coverage tools

I've just posted a couple of FAQs to answer the most common profiler and code coverage questions...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/19/2006

The Value of Team System to C++/Native Win32 developers

A common question asked of Team System developers is, "What does Team System offer me for my native...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/19/2006

Welcome John Lyon-Smith

John Lyon-Smith, a new hire for our team, has just started up his blog. Check out his first entry on...

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/10/2005

Profiler improvements in the July CTP release of Visual Studio Team System

Wondering if you should move from the Beta 2 release of Visual Studio Team System to the new July...

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/02/2005

AngryRichard on Profiling Windows Services

It's one of the most frequently asked internal support questions. This should help with the learning...

Author: profiler1 Date: 07/29/2005

New team blog posts

There are a couple of new posts from some of the profiler team members: Steve Carroll answers the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 07/25/2005

Maxim's Blog

Maxim Goldin, a developer here on the profiler team, has just started up his blog. Check out his...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/28/2005

The Profiling Team’s Greatest Hits: Volume One

Here is an article that links to all the walkthroughs and technical articles from various team...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/09/2005

Beta2 - Profiling a unit test in progress

If you are using Visual Studio Team System Beta 2 and using the profiler on unit tests, there is a...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/07/2005

Offroad profiling

Interested in profiling an application outside of the IDE? Or in some special configuration?...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/12/2005's the new Black

David Gray is an early Microsoft employee who left the company several years ago, but he has...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/26/2005

Profiling ASP.NET apps with the help of unit and load tests

OK, so it's not quite the cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but here is the basic process of...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/21/2005

ASP.NET Profiling

Here's the latest on profiling ASP.NET 2.0 applications on Beta 2:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/21/2005

Profiling FAQs

Scarroll has posted up some FAQs to answer some common questions that we are asked about the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/14/2005

Job Opening on the Profiler Team!

We're hiring! If you're passionate about performance tools and want to be a developer on the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/13/2005

Going off-road with Code Coverage

The first of Joc's series of posts on going "off-road" with the dynamic analysis tools has been...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/13/2005

Analyzing a performance report in the IDE: Parts three and four

The final two parts of my walkthrough for using the IDE to analyze a performance report are posted...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/08/2005

Going "off-road" with the profiler

Keep your eyes on Joc’s blog. He’s starting up a series of posts on how to use our profiler...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/08/2005

when to choose sampling or instrumentation

Some thoughts on the basic differences between sampling and instrumentation:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 04/07/2005

Visual Studio Team System Webcasts

Interested in finding out more about the upcoming Visual Studio Team System 2005? Then check out...

Author: profiler1 Date: 03/30/2005

Analyzing a performance report in the IDE

Here are parts one and two in a series of walkthroughs detailing the various views that the IDE...

Author: profiler1 Date: 03/15/2005

Rico Mariani has created a Perf Wiki on Channel 9

Rico Mariani has started up a Perf Wiki on Microsoft’s Channel 9 community website. He’s started it...

Author: profiler1 Date: 03/09/2005

Larry Osterman on concurrency and scalability

Larry Osterman is doing a really great series on concurrency and scalability issues. He's touching...

Author: profiler1 Date: 03/08/2005

profiler video on channel 9

Here's a video that Ian put together on the profiler, check it out:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 03/07/2005

Using the new Visual Studio Team System Profiler in the IDE - Part 1

Ian has done a decent writeup on his blog with screenshots on how to the profiler is used within the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 02/11/2005

Sequential File Programming Patterns and Performance with .NET

"Programming patterns for sequential file access in the .NET Framework are described and the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 01/28/2005

we've got a newsgroup

We're now monitoring microsoft.private.whidbey.teamsystem.developer - if you have a question or...

Author: profiler1 Date: 01/18/2005

Disk Subsystem Performance Analysis for Windows

Great primer on the art of analyzing storage subsystem performance:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 01/11/2005

VSTS Enterprise Dev and Test Tools Public Chat

VSTS Enterprise Dev and Test Tools Public Chat Join the Visual Studio Team System's Enterprise...

Author: profiler1 Date: 01/10/2005

".NET Code Tuning: Make Your Apps Fly with the New Enterprise Performance Tool"

There's a particularly fine article on Enterprise Performance Tools inside the December 2004 issue...

Author: profiler1 Date: 11/10/2004

Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability

This is making the rounds internally and worth posting here. Not brand new - but just due to the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/24/2004

test your skills

Rico posts some fun performance quizzes on his blog:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/20/2004

How to try out Instrumentation on a Virtual PC

I just noticed that richard posted on using VPC to try out instrumentation on his personal blog.

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/06/2004

What is the difference between Elapsed and Application Time?!

This is the second in my series of posts on what the heck all these numbers mean in the profiler. In...

Author: profiler1 Date: 08/04/2004

Profiling From the Command Line

General Tips: /? is your friend. Until formal docs are written, you can see all the parameters that...

Author: profiler1 Date: 07/29/2004

Walkthroughs posted

Rob Caron has posted a walkthrough for the profiler at the gotdotnet workspace. It is entitled...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/11/2004

VS Quick Tip handy for profilers

Recently we had some feedback that it was tough to get enough information from the performance...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/10/2004

What are Exclusive and Inclusive?!

I wanted to address our most frequently asked question here. In the profiler reports we always...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/09/2004

Visual Studio Team System TechEd 2004 General Session Demo

FYI - This is a video recording of the general session demo on Visual Studio Team System given at...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/07/2004

A misconception and a brief geneology

I saw a misconception on a blog summary of our DEV302 talk at TechEd that I wanted to clarify. The...

Author: profiler1 Date: 06/01/2004

Tech-ed Reminder: DEV302 session, Thursday 5/27 1:30pm

I just wanted to toss up a reminder for anyone interested in the profiler to please go see our PM...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/26/2004

Managing how you Profile .Net Code

There are three environment variables needed for a .Net application you wish to profile. The...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/25/2004

profiler video clips

Here's a video clip of the profiler at work:...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/25/2004

.csv files from vsperfreport.exe

Just this morning someone on an internal microsoft list pointed me to a promising looking (and free)...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/25/2004

Profiling is great! ... What does it do?

The profiler has been gone from Visual Studio for awhile. I think... 6.0? Or maybe even 5.0 was the...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/24/2004

running from the command line

Typically, you can run the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" shortcut from the start menu and then have...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/24/2004

tech ed 2004

Well, our trusty PM is at Tech Ed, and the rest of us are sitting back at a safe distance in...

Author: profiler1 Date: 05/24/2004

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