Auto-Generate ProjectID in Portfolio Server 2007
You can have Project Portfolio Server 2007 auto-generate a ProjectID for you. To do so:
- Click Settings | Organization Management | Organization Settings
- Pick your organization and then click Edit
- In the Organization Template Code you enter the template codes for how you want the number generated using the following codes:
{D} - current day (1,2...31)
{DD} - current day on 2 characters (01,02...31)
{MM} - current month {1,2,...12)
{MMM} - current month abbreviation {"Jan","Feb",...)
{YY} - current year on 2 characters; e.g. 04 represents 2004
{YYYY} - current year on 4 characters; e.g. 2004
{ORG} - Organization Code
{N} - the project number; if the template uses {ORG}, then the project number is the current number per project created in ORGANIZATION; otherwise it's per Account
{Nx} where x = 2, 3, 4 - the project number on 'x' characters; if the template uses ORG, then the project number is the current number per project created in ORGANIZATION; otherwise it's per Account - Click the “Use Organization Template For ProjectID check box
- Click Update
For example, the entry below will generate a code that has the 4 digit year and then a sequential number (2009-1, 2009-2, 2009-500, etc)
But that is not quite it. At this point the system will auto-generate your ProjectID but the field will still be editable so users could overwrite the auto-generated number. A quick change to the Project.aspx will fix that right up.
- Navigate to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\PortfolioServer\Default\
- Make a copy of Project.aspx named Project_OLD.aspx or something to that effect. This will be your backup.
- Out of the box the Project.aspx file contains the following line:
<cell position="1" attribute="PROJECTID" label="ProjectID" mandatory="yes"/>
Edit this line so that it looks like this:
<cell position="1" attribute="PROJECTID" label="ProjectID" readonly="true" mandatory="yes"/> - Save the file
Now the system will auto-generate your ProjectID but the user will not be able to overwrite it.
January 01, 2003
Sorry for the late reply but YES.Anonymous
November 03, 2009
Will the project # (Nx) return to 1 for each new year? i.e. {ORG}-{YYYY}-{N3} returns CC1-2009-048 when the project is created in 2009, but could a new project created in 2010 result in: CC1-2010-001 appreciate your help Kim