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2009 New Years Photography Resolutions

 by Jeff Greene /  


Every New Years Day a vast majority of us break out pencil and paper and jot down some New Years Resolutions in a misguided attempt at self-improvement. Unfortunately, these lofty goals for the year are usually abandoned within mere hours of their creation.


Instead of resolving to lose weight, get in shape, or save money; why not commit to something that is entertaining and fun? The odds of success increase dramatically if we actually enjoy what we’re doing.  In that light I propose that each of you form a list of New Years Photo Resolutions for 2009.


…and by the way, I’m not referring to pixel resolution here, so spare me the witty emails.



My 366/2008 Self Portrait Project


Last year I was inspired by an article on the Photojojo website to start a year-long photo project where I would take a picture of myself everyday of the year. Some of the photos are creative, most banal, some awful… Doesn’t matter. My goal was to compose and create an image everyday of the year. You know what? I made it. The results can be viewed here if you’re interested.


You can choose whatever you like to put on your New Years Photo Resolution list. Some folks have resolved to upgrade from compact cameras to SLRs, some to embrace RAW format, others to improve their Photoshop skills, and a few have even decided to finally move from film to digital.   Better late than never….


A few broad ideas with some potential :

  • Start a project
  • Try some new software
  • Try a new technique
  • Share your images
  • Share your knowledge
  • Enter more contests
  • Volunteer your skills
  • Get organized
  • Start a photo business


Use the above as broad guidelines but make your goals very specific. The point is to improve your photography, so you’ll need to set some stretch goals and add to your skill set.  I recommend making a list of the top ten things you would like to accomplish in photography this year, then start at the top of the list and go for it.


Here are some helpful links to get you started:


PhotoJoJo 2009 New Years Photo Resolutions

PhotoJoJo New Years Resolutions Readers Forum


PC World – Digital Focus


Single Serving New Years Photo Resolutions


My 366/2008 Self Portrait Project


Good luck… drop me a line and let me know what your goals are this year in photography. If you keep at it and it’s interesting, I’ll feature it in a future blog post.


Happy New Year!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    January 02, 2009
    I like your idea, and you make an excellent point. I've many things planned for the year, but an element of fun & enjoyment would be worth pursuing. I'll be sure to list my ideas in a future post.