Personal Kanban

We’ve been getting serious about using Kanban recently so I thought I’d try and take the concept home.  personalKanbanIt’s been surprisingly successful actually. 

I cleaned the front of the fridge up, separated it in to three vertical and two horizontal swim lanes using insulation tape and added some titles on with a Sharpie.

I then made a quick trip over to and pinched mine and my wife’s avatars*, printed them out and stuck them to some fridge magnets and we were up and running.

We’ve only got ‘Ready’, ‘In Progress’ and ‘Done’ states, mostly because there wasn’t enough room for a backlog column but there was also an element of not taking things too far.

We’ve both found it to be remarkably motivational. It’s been up for less than a week now and we’ve already filled the done column up twice.  Something which would have been unheard of before.  I still need to wait and see if the novelty wears off though, I’ll keep you posted!

*in case you are interested the url to get at your Xbox avatar is\<gamertag>/avatar-body.png