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Mix talk is done!

Thanks to everyone who made it to the Building Windows Phone Applications with Silverlight, Part 2 talk this afternoon – so glad to finally be able to share everything with the world!

If you missed it (or want to see it again) you should be able to catch it on-line soon at along with all the other talks. Not sure how they're going to edit together, but there were a couple of technical problems in the talk which may make it hard to follow (doesn't matter how much you practice, there's always something to go wrong on show day!). The first issue was that the overhead camera was not plugged in, so I couldn't show the actual phone; luckily the emulator works like a champ so it wasn't really an issue. The second problem was more annoying: the PowerPoint deck was set to run with recorded times so it was automatically running through the slides based on the timings of my practice run… which would have been OK except my practice run didn't include demos! :-( I apologise to those of you trying to follow on at home…I'm sure it's quite annoying on video (and it was definitely frustrating on stage).

Oh well, you learn something new every day; now I know of one more thing to double-check next time I need to give a presentation :-/

I'll be posting the code from my session once I get back to Redmond. Some people have asked about posting decks, too – I'm not sure what the official stance is on that, but if they post them I will have a link here.

Thanks again to everyone who made it, and enjoy the final day of Mix tomorrow – I'll be in the booth from 9am to 1:30.


  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2010
    Great Presentation!  Nice to see WP7 app from start to finish. Could you post the sample code from your presentation, so we can devle deeper into the syntax.  Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2010
    Code is now an attachment to this post, and the slides are available from the visitmix site. Thanks for your interest!

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2010
    very,very helpful! Thank you!