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Sample code from TechEd New Zealand talks

[Update September 9: Link to the recorded sessions]

[Update September 2: Updated the ZIP file to comment-out dependency on not-yet-shipped Map control :-)]


Attached to this post is a ZIP file with three projects in it:

These are the latest revs of the “Building WP7 Apps in Silverlight” talks that have been given at Mix and TechEd US in the past. They should run on the current beta tools (and not long now until the RTM tools are released!). A lot of the demos use device features so you will not get the full benefit in the emulator. I will also post the “no code; all Blend” panorama apps in a separate post (they will have to wait until September 16th).

I’m not going to go into much detail in this post, since I’m tired and the apps should pretty much speak for themselves. The code is all quite simple and I have even added some comments!

One thing you will need to do is provide your own video file for Part 1 (I tried uploading mine but it was too large). It should be called "GoldCoastBeach.wmv" (guess what it was a video of!) or you can simply change the name inside the XAML file if you prefer. The only other tricky bit is in Part 2 where you will need to update the configuration of the service reference to point to your server name instead of YOUR_SERVER_NAME.

You will also need to build the CloudService project and deploy it to a web server - this project won’t open with the free VPDExpress version of VS, but it’s only needed for the push section of the demo and you can run the rest of the demos without it (you also might be able to use one of the other free Express SKUs to do ASP.NET development…)

Features shown in Part 1:

  • InputScope on TextBox
  • Drag and pinch gestures (pinch requires device or multi-touch monitor)
  • Accelerometer (requires device)
  • Microphone input (requires device)
  • MediaElement control
  • WebBrowser control
  • Camera capture task

Features shown in Part 2:

  • Navigation
  • Overriding the back key
  • Saving state during tombstoning
  • Push notifications (requires the CloudService project)
  • Location (requires device)

I hope you appreciate the effort I put into the tiles / splash screens, as well! :-)
