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Trying something new: the Windows Phone Developer Blog

This year, the Windows Phone team is trying out something new for our blogging activity: instead of having individual team members post content on their personal blogs, we’re centralizing the content in the Windows Phone Developer Blog to make it easier for you to discover and keep up with what’s going on. Some of you may have already subscribed, but if not now’s the time since I just posted my first article on there about Kid’s Corner :-).

I’ll still be posting on my personal blog (this site) from time to time on topics that don’t “fit” in the larger WPDev blog, but most of the meaty stuff will be on the official blog. I have a bunch of ideas for content that should be published throughout the coming months one way or another, so stay tuned! Note that after this initial post I won’t be announcing any of my WPDev posts here; I’ll assume you’ve either subscribed or that your search engine / social network / microblogging service of choice will point you in the right direction.

What do you think of this change? Love it? Hate it? Let me know in the comments below.

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!