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IIS7 - IISRESET UI Module for IIS7 Manager (inetmgr)

In IIS7 (atleast till RC0 release), you might find no UI way to restart IIS services (IISAdmin, WAS, W3SVC). Only way is by using the command line exe - the classic IISRESET.

Here is my UI module which give you a UI way to do this. This also shows the status of each IIS service running. Below is how it looks:


Here is the link for the DLL:

To add this module in your IIS 7 manager follow the below steps:

  1. Download the IIS7IISRESETUI.dll.

  2. From inetsrv folder Drag and Drop the IIS7IISRESETUI.dll into the Global Assembly Cache (C:\Windows\assembly) or use GacUtil -i IIS7IISRESETUI.dll to install it to the GAC.

  3. Under File Menu, browse for the file %WinDir%\System32\InetSrv\config\Administration.config.

  4. Search for the <moduleProviders> section and add the following

    <add name="IIS7IISRESETUI" type="IIS7IISRESETUI.MyModuleProvider, IIS7IISRESETUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db9daa3d2ea5f6fd" />

  5. Search for the <modules> section and add the following

    <add name="IIS7IISRESETUI" />

  6. Open Inetmgr and You will see the module listed in your IIS 7 Manager if you would’ve followed the above steps properly.

Let me know if this helps you!

UPDATE : This is now in Check this out.
