Deploying Web Applications on different JEE Application Servers
This post will discuss how to deploy BeanSpy on the supported application server platforms. The deployment information in step #2 can also be applied to any general web application (example: the Contoso Order Service).
As per the documentation, to obtain the official version of BeanSpy supported by Microsoft, the EAR/WAR files (open source link is here).
a. If you have at least one JEE application server automatically discovered by Operations Manager, go to Operations Console, select an automatically discovered JEE application server instance, and run the task "Copy BeanSpy and Universal discovery files" in the Tasks pane. This will copy the BeanSpy files to the %WINDIR%\temp folder.
b. Search the Operations Manager installation folder for BeanSpy*. For example, if Operations Manager is installed under "C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager", BeanSpy files are located in one of the folders under C :\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\Health Service State\Resources\ as of this writing.
There should be four BeanSpy files:
- BeanSpy.HTTP.NoAuth.ear
- BeanSpy.HTTP.NoAuth.war
- BeanSpy.ear
- BeanSpy.war
If your application server listens on HTTP without authentication, then follow these steps. Otherwise, please refer to your application server's monitoring pack guide for details about security settings.
c. Rename BeanSpy.HTTP.NoAuth.war (or .ear) to BeanSpy.war (or .ear).
d. If you are running JBoss/WebSphere/WebLogic, deploy the .ear version. If you are running Tomcat, deploy the .war version. You can deploy BeanSpy just like any other ear/war files.
Below are steps and links for deploying web applications on the various Application Server platforms.
JBoss utilizes a hot deployment folder. To deploy an application, simply copy the WAR file into the <JBOSS Directory>\server\<type>\deploy folder.
Like JBoss, Tomcat utilizes a hot deployment folder. To deploy an application, simply copy the WAR file into the <Tomcat Directory>\webapps folder.
Log output from a successful Tomcat deployment:
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive BeanSpy.war
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger info
INFO: Initializing BeanSpy (Build: 7.3.2034.0, Label: OpsMgr_RTM_7.3.2034.0, BuildDate: 20120106)
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger info
INFO: contextInitialized: connecting to JMX Stores
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger warning
WARNING: Failed to connect to com.interopbridges.scx.jmx.JBossJMXAbstraction JMX Store
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger info
INFO: Added JMX Store adapter com.interopbridges.scx.jmx.TomcatJMXAbstraction
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger warning
WARNING: Failed to connect to com.interopbridges.scx.jmx.WebSphereJMXAbstraction JMX Store
Apr 26, 2012 11:28:00 AM com.interopbridges.scx.log.MsLogger warning
WARNING: Failed to connect to com.interopbridges.scx.jmx.WeblogicRuntimeJMXAbstraction JMX Store
Deployment of an EAR file on WebSphere requires use of either the WebSphere Admin UI or the scripting API. Since this is a multi-step process, I will defer to some other specific postings.
- Web UI:
- Scripting:
WebLogic has many ways to deploy a web application. I would defer you to Oracle's documentation, but I am having problems navigating
to what I would like to find. :) Try this blog post instead…