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Feedback Requested: What is your biggest compliance headache?

This is your opportunity to vent!  What causes you the most heartburn around compliance.  Is it the auditors? the documentation? the requests for evidence?  Leave your biggest compliance headache in the comments.

--Bill Canning


  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2005
    Truly and by far, the biggest problem is the inability of current software solutions to provide a long-lasting solution. There are now 50 solutions that are out there, but all hastily put togther and out to make a quick money. they solve the short-term prblem but will break.. After evaluating 23 vendors , we came down to selecting 1 that looks decent -- a company called MetricStream -- they look good --- deep technology, good UI, understand compliance ---lets see if they live to the promise

    I will have them implemented at 2 customers
    in the next 3 weeks and will let you guys know

    Meanwhile, if you see anything else that is really good, let me know

    Big 4 Partner
  • Anonymous
    January 19, 2006
    A couple of headaches:

    1. One major headache around compliance is the use of software solutions as an ALTERNATIVE to good process. Software solutions should support good processes that have already been defined. That said, the more a solution can educate users AND enforce good process - the higher the potential for success.

    2. The other major headache around compliance is the moving target problem. Companies that aim for compliance with specific regulations ending up doing the compliance dance every time one is created or changed. If businesses would aim for good processes with transparency, compliance would be a natural side effect (or validation).

    In my SOX projects, I saw many companies that wanted a C-...and nothing more. Instead of looking at compliance as an opportunity to improve the business, they saw it as a cost that had no associated value proposition. As such, their operations had little benefit from the newly developed processes we helped them design...

    -Heather Brannon