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IE6 Countdown–Migrate to IE8 (or IE9)

10 years ago a browser was born.

Its name was Internet Explorer 6. Now that we’re in 2011, in an era of modern web standards, it’s time to say goodbye.

We all know that Internet Explorer 6 is outdated and that you should move away from it to a newer browser immediately. For security, safety as well as fro compatibility reasons.

Therefore we created the The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown page with the goal to get Internet Explorer 6 market share below 1% – currently it seems to be still at 12% which is way too much.

If I look at the statistics of my blog, this is currently the distribution of the browsers hitting this page:


Looking at Internet Explorer versions, it seems that you are security conscious people Smile - not really a surprise:


So, we are better than the rest of still 4% of you are using a very, very old version. And by the way 16% are using a version-1. That this data cannot be reflecting the real world is clear as I do not expect 1/3 of the people using Internet Explorer being already on the Release Candidate of Internet Explorer 9.

Therefore I added my main blog to the IE6Countdown initiative (please move to the main blog anyway :-)) . If you see this banner when looking at the blog:


I would like you immediately to go to this download page to get the latest version of Internet Explorer and to help to drive the IE6 share below 1%!!!



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Ooops Done, thanks

  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2011
    Fix it please: "We all know that Internet Explorer is outdated " I guess, inserting a version number after "Internet Explorer" would be a good idea ;)

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2011
    It will only die when sites won't correctly display with it anymore. It's the default browser on the PC I'm using and I don't have access to change those settings. So every time I click a link, it starts by default. I'm currently using it right now, and this site approximately renders correctly, so I could read it entirely without closing the window nor starting slowerfox.