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Buggin' My Life Away

Musings of a Mad Mac Maven

The Glaring Hole in the NSTextInputClient Protocol

The fine folks at Apple generally do a pretty good job of designing the programmatic interfaces,...

Date: 11/28/2011

Steve Jobs

There's a lot being written about Steve's passing, but I'm afraid there's so much of it that truly...

Date: 10/06/2011

Usability and Styles

According to Pierre, I'm too ossified to discuss this subject. On the other hand, when Pierre uses...

Date: 05/30/2010

Managing Shared Code

Brent Simmons has some thoughts on managing shared code. Those ideas are a good start, the most...

Date: 05/27/2010

John Gruber Makes a Mistake

Over on DaringFireball, John Gruber points out an annoyance he has with icons used for "Save"....

Date: 05/11/2010

Am I Back?

OK, so Nadyne, after posting a nice article about using PowerPoint on Mac Mojo, spilled the beans,...

Date: 05/08/2010

What the Hell is That?

Seattle. Middle of January. Nothing in the sky but this huge, yellow thing. Looking at it hurts your...

Date: 01/21/2008

Trading Fours

I've had quite a bit of positive feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd do another musical post....

Date: 01/11/2008

Finding My Voice Again

Wow. What a stretch. We shipped the bits for Office 2008 off to manufacturing back in December, and...

Date: 01/07/2008

The OOF Infinite Loop

I'm surprised that I haven't hit this before at Microsoft, but I actually hit an OOF infinite loop...

Date: 07/27/2007

Your Text Here

On one of the many informational, internal e-mail lists of which I am a member, someone, today,...

Date: 05/02/2007

There Comes a Time

In every project, there's a point where you have to stop tweaking this and touching up that little...

Date: 04/04/2007

BBEdit 8.5

MacWorld has a decent review of BBEdit 8.5, but it fails to mention a new feature that is of...

Date: 12/14/2006

Open XML Converters for Mac Office

There’s been a bit of flak about the Office Open XML file format converters for Mac Office. Sheridan...

Date: 12/07/2006

Claiming Technorati

My profile is Technorati Profile. Nothing to see. Move along, now. Rick

Date: 08/25/2006

Vistas of Irony

There's an old ("old" by our industry's standards) urban legend about irony that actually found its...

Date: 06/15/2006

Two Years from Now

I predict that two years from now, my job will be exactly the same as it has been for the past 16...

Date: 06/15/2006

What's Wrong with this Code: The Answer

Bjarne Stroustrup is a brilliant man, which means he's very good at defining programming languages....

Date: 06/14/2006

What's Wrong with this Code?

A while back, Erik Schwiebert wrote about some of the travails of moving our build system from one...

Date: 06/13/2006

Scoble's New Adventure

The buzz around the bloggosphere is about Scoble's New Adventure. Robert adds his own words on the...

Date: 06/12/2006

Mac Office 2004 Resource Kit

Looks like we've updated the Mac Office Resource Kit to Version 2. The Resource Kit is a guide for...

Date: 06/09/2006

Mac BU's Lab on Your Mac Life

I just checked in on Your Mac Life to see what was in store for tonight's show, and it turns out...

Date: 05/24/2006

Flying Pigs

Last July, pigs flew through Hyde Park, and yesterday they flew through Cupertino. The only thing I...

Date: 04/06/2006

Of Intel Macs and Red Herrings

Scott Byer at Adobe put up a very nice post about the switch to intel and some of the growing pains...

Date: 03/24/2006

A Ghost from Mac World Past

As many people at Mac World pointed out to me, I've been rather silent lately. There's a reason for...

Date: 01/19/2006

Another Win Office Blogger

The list of Win Office 12 bloggers is growing. The latest addition is Will Kennedy, who is the...

Date: 11/15/2005

Dave Luebbert on Channel 9

What was the Ray Gram Memorial Feature that shipped in Apple's System 7? Who invented the combo box...

Date: 11/13/2005

Veteran's Day and Poppies

November 11 is my birthday. As a kid, I used to think it was cool that people would put flags out on...

Date: 11/11/2005

New Mac BU Blogger

We have a new Mac BU blogger this month. Nadyne is a usability engineer who works down in the...

Date: 10/21/2005

No, I'm not talking about a swing around the wing. Over the past several weeks, a handful of Office...

Date: 10/03/2005

Abriendo Puertas con XML

When Win Office 2003 shipped, there was a great deal of debate as to the “openness” of Microsoft’s...

Date: 09/29/2005

The MVP's are Coming!

And some are already here. Microsoft's global summit of Most Valued Professionals is this week. The...

Date: 09/28/2005

KatrinaSafe--the Entourage Connection

Dan Manrique tells part of the story of, with more to come. I thought you might like...

Date: 09/10/2005

A Meager Tribute

With all the political wrangling and the coulda-shoulda-woulda flotsam bobbing to the surface in...

Date: 09/08/2005
