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Getting my Sandcastle Team Build targets file to work with Sandcastle September CTP

A few things before we get started:

  1. You will need the HTML Help Workshop installed
  2. September CTP of Sandcastle
  3. My September CTP Sandcastle Targets File (attached)
    This file needs to be copied to your %programfiles%\MSBuild directory

Next you will need to make some modifications to the standard configuration file (I am using the VS2005 style)

  1. Make a copy of %programfiles%\Sandcastle\Presentation\vs2005\configuration\sandcastle.config
  2. Change references of
    1. ..\..\ to %programfiles%\sandcastle\
    2. ..\cpref_reflection to %programfiles%\sandcastle\examples\cpref_reflection

Update your TFSBuild.proj to include the following:

  1. Add a new Import tag referencing the sandcastle targets file
  2. Add a new target called DocumentCLR
    <Target Name="DocumentCLR">
    <CallTarget Targets="SandcastleDocument" ContinueOnError="false" />
    <MakeDir Condition="!Exists('$(BinariesRoot)\Documentation')" Directories="$(BinariesRoot)\Documentation" ContinueOnError="false" />
    <Copy SourceFiles="$(SandcastleWorkingDirectory)\Output\$(SandcastleDocumentationName).chm" DestinationFiles="$(BinariesRoot)\Documentation\$(SandcastleDocumentationName).chm" ContinueOnError="false"/>
  3. Add an additional target that overrides the AfterCompile target
    <Target Name="AfterCompile">
    <CallTarget RunEachTargetSeparately="true" Targets="DocumentCLR" ContinueOnError="false"/>
    <OnError ExecuteTargets=" OnBuildBreak;"/>
  4. Update your TFSBuild.rsp file to include some configuration
