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Another Post...

I know I said that my previous post was my last post.  Today I checked my Microsoft email for the first time in a long time and I found several emails from people asking for an update on my condition so here goes...

It's Worse

Since I wrote my previous post in January my condition has become much worse. I have now reached the point that I can no longer walk my dog and I rarely leave home. I spend most of my days in severe pain and try to sleep as much as possible because it is the only time I don't feel the pain but even sleep is impossible without medication.

But there's new hope

I recently learned about a new experimental treatment for Dercums Disease. Unfortunately, this treatment is not covered by insurance so I've started a fundraiser to get the money I need to pay for this treatment. I've spoken with 2 people who had this disease and have recovered wonderfully after treatments with a CVAC machine. If you want to donate or learn more just click on the right and thanks for your support