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What’s Up With Ron

Nearly every day I get email from someone asking for help.  I wish I had time to answer every question.  I used to answer more of them but recently I was diagnosed with Adiposis Dolorosa.

Adiposis dolorosa, or Dercum disease, is a rare condition that is characterized by multiple, painful fatty lipomas (benign, fatty tumors) that occur most often in middle aged, post-menopausal, obese women. Although it is 20 times more common in women, 16 percent of the reported cases are males and it can also occur in people who are not obese. The lipomas can cause severe pain, which is often debilitating. This condition is chronic and tends to be progressive. The exact cause of adiposis dolorosa is unknown.[1]

National Institute of Health - Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

I’m still working as much as I can but this is the reason why I went dark for a few months.  Keep sending your questions, but please understand if I can’t respond as quickly as I would like to.