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Looking for Feedback on the Visual Studio CTP Process

CTPs, or Community Technology Previews (Team System Community Technology Previews (CTPs)), were borne from the desire to provide access to prerelease builds of Visual Studio 2005 on a more frequent schedule than the usual Beta process.

After two years of exploring and learning what this means internally at Microsoft, we'd like to get your feedback on the process. Specifically, Brian Harry is looking for your feedback on the Visual Studio CTP process. See Brian's blog for some of the questions we're asking and post your thoughts on his blog (bharry's WebLog : Feedback on VS Community Technology Previews (CTPs)).

We recently had an internal email thread with some people on our advisory councils giving us feedback on our CTP process.  There was some interesting and somewhat surprising feedback.  I wanted to solicit broader feedback from the community on what you want from the CTP process.

Source: bharry's WebLog : Feedback on VS Community Technology Previews (CTPs)


Technorati tags: vs, visual studio 2005, ctp, vsts, team system, tfs, team foundation server tags: vs, visual studio 2005, ctp, vsts, team system, tfs, team foundation server