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I'm back on Speech!

Mwa, ha, ha, haaa!  Yes, I've (re) joined the Speech at Microsoft team (yay!) where all sorts of speech grooviness is happening, in bigger, better and cooler-than-ever ways (seriously!). 

Years ago, when I started this blog, it was to talk about speech APIs, and I'm going to return to those roots, 'coz it's cool, it's fun, it's what I work on, and judging by the page hit stats, at least some of you liked what I wrote about.

BTW, check this out.  Speech is now a top level item in the MSDN Library:


Yep, SAPI, embedded, servers and Tellme documentation, all in one place:


Also, look at the System.Speech.XXXX namespaces for the .Net Framework speech API (e.g. System.Speech.Recognition, etc).

If you’re not sure what some of these technologies are, the site should help (it also has a nice new facelift):


It's awesome to be working on speech again.  Did I mention that?

