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From Business to Buttons

bg_from_business Jag och kollegan Johan Lindfors kommer att medverka på interaktionsdesign-konferensen ‘From Business to Buttons’ som hålls i Malmö 11-12 juni.

From Business to Buttons är två dagar som är fullspäckade med information och inspiration för dig som är intresserad av interaktionsdesign, användbarhet och gränssnittstekniker. Konferensen arrangeras av InUse och Ergonomidesign i samarbete med Malmö Universitet.

Vi kommer att hålla två seminarier om WPF och Expression Blend samt en workshop om arbetsflödet mellan designers och utvecklare med hjälp av XAML:

SketchFlow: From concept to production (seminarie dag 1)

Learn how to use Expression Blend to design great user experiences, from concept to production, with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight. See how Expression Blend makes design workflow faster, easier and richer, and explore how designers can lead the interactive experience throughout the design process.

Developer and designer workflow with XAML (workshop dag 2)

With the interoperability between the tools in Expression Studio and Visual Studio, Microsoft is enabling designers and developers to work together and in parallel in much more efficient ways than in the past, without losing either creativity or productivity.

In this session we will discuss and demonstrate options and tools to help you and your company succeed, faster and with better quality. You will also get an understanding of the compatibility between WPF and Silverlight, learn the relationship between WPF and the various subsystems of Silverlight including: XAML parsing and serialization, control instantiation, styling and templating, layout, rendering, and more. Also, learn how to build applications that fully exploit both Silverlight and WPF.

Experiences from the field: WPF for amazing UI’s (seminarie dag 2)

"With great power comes great responsibility”, Ben Parker couldn’t have said it better and it’s true in so many ways. In this session we will look upon some of the key success factors of great UI’s with Windows Presentation Foundation. We will also share some insight in where the platform and technology is headed and how we can prepare today!

Det här ser jag verkligen fram emot, konferensen har ett antal riktigt intressanta föreläsare – t.ex. Garr Reynolds som ligger bakom Presentation Zen. Hela agendan hittar du här.
