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HOWTO: Easily determine if a file is a managed assembly


This is a question I’ve seen float around several times. It’s an innocent question that I would think would be easy to find but the continued stream of questions quickly blows that hypothesis. So, I’ll try to increase the I-Gravity of my post by listing some of the various forms of this question.

  1. Is there a way to know if a file is a managed assembly?
  2. How can I tell if a given file is managed code?
  3. How do you verify that a DLL is managed?

If you’ve got your own version of this question please feel free to leave a comment so that other people asking this question can easily acquire it.

Oh, here’s the (managed code) answer:

You can easily check for this by calling Assembly.Load() on a particular file. If that file is a managed assembly this call will succeed. If it fails you’ll get a System.BadImageFormatException.

I-Gravity:  i-grav-i-ty


Pronunciation:  ‘I-gra-v&-tE

Function:  noun

Usage:  often attributive

Etymology:  English

Synonym:  google juice