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robgruen's WebLog

my intelligence is artificial...

Remember rotary phones? I do.

I was in San Diego last week and had the wonderful opportunity to go to the USS Midway aircraft...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/21/2005

.NET’s Imaginary quest to rule the world: Whitelisting ala managed style.

At some point, for some reason, maybe because of Episode III (or maybe not), you’re going to want to...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/18/2005

Too much information...please stop!

Keeping up with the influx of information to my inbox may be getting to the point of being...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/10/2005

obj.Equals(obj) returns FALSE? For remoting objects this is TRUE!!! Confused yet?

RemoteObj obj = (RemoteObj)Activator.GetObject(typeof(RemoteObj),...

Author: robgruen Date: 02/28/2005

More Updates for the VB6/VBA MouseWheelFix

Here's an update to my old post on this VB6 addin. Thanks to Louis for point out an issue where the...

Author: robgruen Date: 02/10/2005

Launching the Internet Properties dialog from C#

If for some reason you need to show the Internet Properties dialog from your managed app you have...

Author: robgruen Date: 02/02/2005

Helping the online community by closing the G ap

I have had the great opportunity to help out a customer of ours named Mike. Mike was getting a...

Author: robgruen Date: 01/24/2005

Do you eat your digital pics RAW…

…or do you cook them until they’re JPEG? I had a great time talking to Matt and James at Interwoven...

Author: robgruen Date: 12/30/2004

Speaking of digital photography

Just seconds after making my last post I came across: Digital camera sales booming -...

Author: robgruen Date: 12/17/2004

This is the camera I am looking for...Excuse me?

After years of drooling over this or that digital camera (SLR) I FINALLY have one of my own. Better...

Author: robgruen Date: 12/17/2004

Getting a NullReference Exception Generating WSDL for your Remoted Object?

Maybe you didn’t know, but you can generate a WSDL document for your remote object fairly easily....

Author: robgruen Date: 12/16/2004

RegAsm error: Cannot write to the registry key.

C:\Temp\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1\bin>regasm ClassLibrary1.dll Microsoft (R) .NET Framework...

Author: robgruen Date: 12/15/2004

Calling CoGetInterceptor on Win2k

The documentation for CoGetInterceptor indicate that this API is available on Windows 2000...

Author: robgruen Date: 12/06/2004

COM Interop - Releasing unused COM libraries

Following up with my last post on releasing PInvoked libraries....this time with COM libraries....

Author: robgruen Date: 12/06/2004

PInvoke Library Load/Unload Behavior – Freeing Unmanaged Libraries

What’s the load behavior of dlls that we PInvoke into anyway? The libraries that are pinvoked are...

Author: robgruen Date: 11/12/2004

Debugging VB6 binaries in Visual Studio .NET

If you are using interop to call into a VB6 ActiveX dll or exe and you need to debug your VB6...

Author: robgruen Date: 11/09/2004

Event ID 1000 – .NET Runtime Warning “Attribute names must be unique.”

You may find the following event in your Application event log: Event Type: Warning Event Source:...

Author: robgruen Date: 10/29/2004

Data Concurrency using ADO.NET - A list of good resources.

Someone asked me for some good resources regarding data concurrency in ADO.NET. I did find some...

Author: robgruen Date: 10/08/2004

Run-time exception thrown : System.ArgumentException - Cannot find the interface method on the object instance.

At the time of writing this entry I found 0 (zero) page hits on google and 1 (one) hit on google...

Author: robgruen Date: 10/07/2004

Remoting Problems (SerializationException) When Using No-Touch Deployment

When you launch a .NET application that uses No-Touch Deployment, also known as Zero Deployment, you...

Author: robgruen Date: 09/28/2004

Props to all the hard workers out there, give yourself a pat on the back!

Well, it's 10 to 1 AM here and I just got back from a 5k run. It's good to run late at night, fewer...

Author: robgruen Date: 08/26/2004

Q & A Visual Basic – Declaring Arrays using WithEvents

Q: Why can’t we declare arrays with the WithEvents keyword? I’ve read the MSDN documentation on...

Author: robgruen Date: 08/23/2004

XP SP2 Issues – Using the System Provided Surrogate (dllhost.exe)

DLLHost.exe can be used as a surrogate host for COM servers that are exposed via DCOM/COM+. On XP...

Author: robgruen Date: 08/18/2004

UPDATED – MouseWheel Fix for VB6 & VBA

The add-in has been out there for a while so I figured I’d check up on it. Looks like there are some...

Author: robgruen Date: 08/16/2004

Combining Run-Time Callable Wrappers for ActiveX Controls Into a Single Assembly

When you use an ActiveX control in a .NET applicaton you need to generate run-time callable wrappers...

Author: robgruen Date: 08/11/2004

Problems hosting .NET user controls in Internet Explorer

So I’ve been working this one issue where remoting calls from a .NET user control hosted in IE...

Author: robgruen Date: 07/21/2004

System.ArgumentException when calling Bitmap.Save(Stream, ImageCodecInfo, EncoderParameters)

I was building this small app to that collects images and stores them within a database. To do this...

Author: robgruen Date: 07/11/2004

Calling WriteFileEx() from C# (including supporting structures, constants, etc...)

Today I had the unfortunate and tedious task of calling the WriteFileEx API from a managed...

Author: robgruen Date: 07/07/2004

Controlling the order of Get/Set property methods for .NET interfaces registered for COM Interop.

Some background information 1st. In C# when specifying an interface you can arbitrarily set the...

Author: robgruen Date: 06/15/2004

MouseWheel Fix for VBA

This is a followup to a previous blog entry of mine: Fix: VB6 IDE Scrolling using the MouseWheel....

Author: robgruen Date: 06/08/2004

Quick note on breaking changes when using COM Interop

Keep in mind that when you add methods to an assembly you must retain the same order within the code...

Author: robgruen Date: 06/04/2004

They say the only constistent thing about change is change itself least that's what I think they say. Who's they anyway? Our company goes through a lot of...

Author: robgruen Date: 06/02/2004

Q & A - What does the new modifier do?

Q: In the Visual Studio Object Browser the method CollectionBase.Clear() is marked as "virtual new."...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/17/2004

Q: How do yo change the size of one Winforms application from another in VB.NET?

A: Dim p() As System.Diagnostics.Process p =...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/14/2004

How come you can pass an array into a C# attribute class but not a VB.NET attribute class?

Q: In C# you can pass an array into an attribute class using the code below but when you try to do...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/12/2004

Calling SendInput() from C# using MOUSEINPUT Structure

I couldn't find any samples (of course after only searching breifly) that show how to call SendInput...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/10/2004

SUPER SHOES – They’ve got a horsepower rating AND a clock rate!

Adidas creates ‘smart shoe’ Now here goes Adidas research and develops a cool...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/07/2004

MP3 Player Woes

A while back I was searching for an MP3 player that had the following features: · approximately...

Author: robgruen Date: 05/07/2004

How to pass an array of doubles from managed to unmanaged code.

So I was working with someone on getting this to work and there aren't ANY samples anywere that I...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/30/2004

Voice Lifts?

I've heard of face lifts, various implants (breast, calf, posterior, etc), liposuction, permanent...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/19/2004

Lack of Information – Programmatically Toggling the LOCK keys from VB.NET

As usual my blog entries arise from questions I’ve looked into for people. Today someone asked...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/15/2004

Why don't the MARS rovers have a mechanism for removing dust from their solar panels?

If you've been following along with the Mars rover mission you should be aware that the length of...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/11/2004

Strange Memory Behavior when Minimizing Applications on Windows XP

I had someone ask me the following question on memory behavior with .NET applications on Windows XP....

Author: robgruen Date: 04/05/2004

FIX: VB6 IDE Scrolling using the MouseWheel

I’m sure most of you are aware of the frustrations of trying to get your mouse wheel to work...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/05/2004

SOS Debugging with the CLR - Appendix A: Unexplained Exceptions on the Managed Heap

Before we get started here please be sure to read Jason Zander’s blog entry: SOS Debugging of...

Author: robgruen Date: 04/01/2004

The Crystal Method @ The Tremont

A couple of us hit the Tremont Music Hall last night to see The Crystal Method. All I can say is...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/31/2004

Adding support for XP Themes to VB6 Apps

XP has some nice visuals and VB programmers definitely want in on XP Themes. Unfortunately Microsoft...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/29/2004

Incorrect Overloaded functions called when specifying Enum Parameters

I was sent the following code with an subject similar to this blog entry title: Option Strict On...

Author: robgruen Date: 03/26/2004

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