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My "small" project

Well I finally did it, I started a blog. Many of my friends and coworkers have been bugging me for awhile to start a blog on virtualization and other technologies that I am passionate about. I almost did it 6 months ago but I wanted to be sure to provide consistent postings and a I was just starting a small project.

The small (ok not so small) project was co-authoring the Virtual Server 2005 R2 Resource Kit for MS Press. This was a project I had tried to make happen for almost two years and it was finally approved the middle of 2006. Well thanks to co-author Janique Carbone (find her blog here and here Virtual Server Community Site here), some understanding family, and many nights of 4 hours or less sleep, it is finally done. Well "done" is a relative term, the chapters are all written and we are in final editing pass. You will see the book on the shelves in late August 2007 and you can get more information about it from the MSPress site here


So what will you find in the book? The book covers Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 version and also has chapters on VSMT 1.1, System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), and Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM). You will find technology chapters on virtualization overview, installation, advanced features like clustering, physical to virtual migration, best practices, troubleshooting, security, management, and scripting using the COM API. The book also has a series of How To chapters on managing your own Virtualization Project. The book also covers Microsoft and 3rd party tools that are helpful with planning, designing, managing, and operating a virtual environment. There is companion media included with the book that has all the same scripts, job aids, some 3rd party trial version of tools, and copies of never before released Microsoft internal tools.

So now that the "small" project is mostly done, you will find ramblings on various technology topics in my blog. So feel free to post feedback, comments, and suggest topics that you want to hear about.

Thanks for reading

Robert Larson