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SQL Server Data Services - register for the beta program

At MIX last week Microsoft introduced Microsoft ®SQL Server™ Data Services (SSDS), a Web-facing utility-based services designed for businesses and developers that need scalable, highly available, secure and easily programmable on-demand data storage with robust database query capabilities.


o SSDS offers virtually limitless, on-demand scalability. Customers pay only for the resources actually consumed.

o Customers use the service with minimal up-front infrastructure and operational cost. Businesses can minimize their initial investment in hardware and software and the on-going cost for storage administration, scale maintenance.

o SSDS supports simple web-programming interfaces like SOAP and REST for quick provisioning of web applications. Primary wire format is XML for data interchange.These easy to use, standards-based interfaces enable developers to focus on innovating with data quickly.


You can find out more information at the SSDA homepage and the Data Platform Insider. Also you can register for the beta program from the SSDA homepage.