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Index, search and sort customized properties in FAST search server for Sharepoint 2010 part 3 – Sorting

In the Part 2 of this blog's series we saw how to submit search using the navigator.

In this third part we will be focus in the sorting result, in the FAST Server by using the Qr-server.

Let take the point in the result returning when we run submit the “fasta” query using the navigator “skypephone”.

As you can see the navigator element are not sorted,

The Qrserver return the result order based in the ranking.

For example the number 123999 is in the second position because the document that contains this value is returned as hit number 2

The number 444999 is in the fourth position because the document that contains this value is returned as hit number 4

NOTE: in the two previous pictures the highlighted the hit value that belong to the next document in the result list.

So in order to make a sorting result we will manipulate the FQL GUI.

Observe the order of the numbers is ascendant, after we have introduced the symbol ‘+’ in the fql.


Let check the order of the documents when we make a sorting result descendant. We set up the next fql

NOTE: In this case the sort is alphanumeric not a sorting integers operation.

If we check the first result in the navigator value 999677889 should appear in the first position.

A further detail to note is the ranking become zero, for all the documents; let’s see with the how the ranking value change before use the sorting and after use the sorting. for example the document with phone number 123999

Without using the sorting feature

Using the sorting

NOTE: Observe the internalid value, this is the field we use to identify the documents and to know if we are watching two different documents or the same document.