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Update on Windows Phone 8 support for Rx v2.0

Last week, an update for Rx v2.0 was released, adding support for Windows Phone 8.  Unfortunately, an issue was discovered with the enhanced strong name signing used for the portable core assemblies of Rx, preventing the binaries from loading correctly on physical devices. The issue is under investigation with the Rx, CLR, and Windows Phone teams.

In order to stop the problem from impacting more developers (discovering the problem only during deployment to physical devices, typically late in a development cycle), we’ve decided to temporarily pull the Rx v2.0 for Windows Phone 8 binaries from the Visual Studio Gallery and NuGet, until a fix is available.

We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing and will post updates as we’re working towards resolving this issue. In the meantime, the Rx v2.0 for Windows Phone 7 binaries can be used for Windows Phone 8 projects. While those binaries are compatible with Windows Phone 8, they won’t contain Rx’s Task<T> support and a variety of other enhancements.