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TechNet Guru Awards - December 2013

The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.


The December results are in!  With many new SQL Server related TechNet entries, the competition for the December TechNet Guru was very tough!  Here are the final results.  Congratulations to all winners!

Guru Award  Transact-SQL Technical Guru - December 2013  

Gold Award Winner


Naomi N T-SQL: Relational Division DB: "Clear and detailed." Jinchun Chen: "Nice article!" Richard Mueller: "Very well done and well researched." Ed Price: "The article comments say it welll. From Saeid: "Surprised with this one! This is really one of the important topics. Many questions in MSDN SQL forums are about this topic" From Carmelo: "Very good work Naomi!" " Samuel Lester: "Outstanding article again! As mentioned in the article and comments, variations of this question appear in the forums frequently and it is nice to have this article to reference. Great breadth and depth with each solution!"

Silver Award Winner


Durval Ramos How to extract data in XML to meet the requirements of a Schema Samuel Lester: "Creative solution and great write-up! "Richard Mueller: "The articles in this group were very close. This is a great article with outstanding links. The See Also section should only include Wiki articles." Ed Price: "Very detailed narrative that's well supported by great formatting and images! Great article!"

Bronze Award Winner


Saeid Hasani Error handling within Triggers using T-SQL Richard Mueller: "A well executed article. The trigger rules were confusing to me." Ed Price: "Another great article from Saeid! This could be made better with more explanations for each step. Good job!" Samuel Lester: "Great new content and nice companion to your prior article. "



Guru Award  SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - December 2013  

Gold Award Winner


Uwe Ricken How does SQL Server allocate space in a heap Samuel Lester: "Amazing content, great presentation, and incredibly educational! " DRC: "• Very nice article, very well documented. • Clear explanation of the behaviour and queries to trace the same. • This also explains the output of the queries which makes the users more comfortable while reproducing the behaviour explained. • The only modification is to remove the .(dot) for the value “8.096” which should be 8096. " DB: "Clear and informative explanation of details not available elsewhere." Jinchun Chen: "Awesome" Ed Price: "Another high-quality article from Uwe! Great formatting and even a good interaction with Shanky in the comments!" NN: "Great and thorough article"


  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2014