June 2007 CTP Refresh with "renamed" documentation design and model
We have provided a refresh for June CTP at https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=E82EA71D-DA89-42EE-A715-696E3A4873B2&displaylang=en. The only change is renaming the "VSORCAS" presentation to "Hana".
I provided detsils for this change at https://blogs.msdn.com/sandcastle/archive/2007/06/21/sandcastle-june-refresh-with-renamed-documentation-design-and-model.aspx
June 26, 2007
I'd like to see the installer of new version automatically uninstall the old version Sandcastle for me. It is so boring to manually uninstall the old version. Since the installer is a MSI file, such a feature is not hard to implement for you guys.Anonymous
July 19, 2007
I have an issue with the June 2007 CTP. I'm not sure if this is the best place to post it but here goes. When I use <see langword="" /> with the vs2005 style, it correctly generates all the different languages in the HTML, so <see langword="null" /> yield <span class="cs">null</span><spab class="vb">Nothing</span> etc. But only the VB one is ever shown. Will this be fixed?Anonymous
July 24, 2007
The primary goal of componentization is to reduce the size of a run-time image. In addition to helpingAnonymous
September 11, 2007
Thank you all for the continued support to Sandcastle. I have had many questions about the next releaseAnonymous
September 12, 2007
Tra poco una nuova release di SandcastleAnonymous
September 16, 2007
La semaine qui arrive nous devrions voir arriver la CTP de septembre de Sandcastle , version qui devrait