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Voting Day

Ah yes, that time of the year when everyone, democrat or republican, can rejoice in one common theme:  no more attack ads!  Ugh, so much for focusing on the positive.  My wife has been heavily involved in the I-884 campaign and I've really been proud about the way they've gone about their campaign.  While a lot of the initiatives have been playing on the fear factor, I-884 has been focusing on the benefits: more pre-school for those who can't afford it, smaller class sizes so students can get better attention, higher ed scholarship, and more spaces in community colleges and public universities so those who want to be able to afford higher education have a greater chance.  It goes against the WA state sales tax, but with no income tax in Washington, it was the only route.  I know I usually focus on software in this blog, but being around my wife for the last few months really puts things in perspective and I felt the need to toss in one blog entry on election day to support it.   She's trying to change the lives of thousands of kids and give them a chance to succeed where the school system has failed them in the past. I respect and admire that more than she'll ever know.

So, if you are in Washington and make it to the polls today, be sure to give I-884 an extra look.
