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SQL Server 2012: Installing SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.30

This blog describes how you can install SAP Systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.30 on SQL Server 2012.

In addition, please always read SAP Note 1676665  - Setting up Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Login required).

Some of the steps are only required if you install an SAP System that contains an ABAP stack (ABAP only or ABAP+JAVA). Those steps are marked with ABAP/ABAP+JAVA

You can download the SAP Software Provisioning Manager (which contains the Installation Master) from the SAP Service Marketplace

  • Support Packages and Patches
    • Browse our Download Catalog
      • SAP Technology Components
        • SL TOOLSET
          • SL TOOLSET 1.0
            • Entry by Component
              • Software Provisioning Manager
                • SOFTWARE PROVISIONING MGR 1.0
                  • Windows on x64 64bit


  1. Windows Server 2008 SP2 64-bit or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit
  2. SAP Solution Manager
  3. SQL Server 2012 Enterprise (Core) Edition
  4. SAP UC-Kernel 7.20 PL70 required for installations, PL300 required for DB migrations


  • Kernel DVD
    • Download and extract the following DVDs
      • 51042312_7   NW 7.3 Kernel, Inst.Master, Upgr.Master WIN x64 64bit 1/4
      • 51042312_8   NW 7.3 Kernel, Inst.Master, Upgr.Master WIN x64 64bit 2/4
      • 51042312_9   NW 7.3 Kernel, Inst.Master, Upgr.Master WIN x64 64bit 3/4
      • 51042312_10 NW 7.3 Kernel, Inst.Master, Upgr.Master WIN x64 64bit 4/4
  • Download the newest SAP UC-Kernel 7.20 64-bit archives
  • Patch the Kernel DVD as described in SAP Note 1480785 - Creating a Modified Windows Kernel DVD (Login required)
  • SQL Server Native Client 2012
    • If you want to install a distributed SAP System (database and SAP application Server are running on different hosts), make sure that the SQL Server Native Client 2012 is installed on the host running your SAP application Server


  • Install your SAP system using
    • The SAP Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM)
    • The local Kernel DVD with the patched kernel archives
    • The DVDs that were originally shipped with the SAP NetWeaver 7.30 release (Export DVD, Java DVD, language DVDs…)
  • After the Installation upgrade your kernel to the latest 7.20 EXT Kernel
  • ABAP/ABAP+JAVA: Connect your new SAP System to your SAP Solution Manager
  • ABAP/ABAP+JAVA: Create a maintenance stack to implement at least SAP_BASIS 7.30 SP7
  • ABAP/ABAP+JAVA: Use the Software Update Manager (SUM) 1.0 SP4 or higher to implement the maintenance stack
    • DO NOT use SPAM to implement the support packages
    • DO NOT update SPAM manually but let the SUM update the SPAM as part of the maintenance stack implementation

Post Steps

System Copy

You can also copy your SAP System that is running on an older SQL Server to a machine running a new SQL Server with the following steps:

  • Make sure that your source system is at least on SAP BASIS SP7
  • Copy your SAP system using
    • The SAP Software Provisioning Manager
    • The local Kernel DVD with the patched kernel archives
    • The DVDs that were originally shipped with SAP NetWeaver 7.30 (Export DVD, Java DVD, language DVDs…)
  • Upgrade your kernel to the latest 7.20 EXT

The steps for a System Copy where the source SAP system is already running on SQL 2012 are the same.