What sort of tools would you expect to fall under the name “Power Toys for Visual Studio”?

To all the developers out there who love power toys, I could use your help on this one. 

If I were to call our power toys collection “Power Toys for Visual Studio”, what sort of tools come to mind?  Do you think of

a. tools that assist in debugging, writing code better and faster, etc.
b. tools that enhance Visual Studio, like MSBee and TFS Administration Tool
c. add-ins, packages, and macros for Visual Studio that live only within the environment?
d. all of the above

It is my hope that you’ll circle answer D: All of the above.  I’ve heard good arguments to use “Power Toys for Visual Studio” and I’ve heard good arguments to use “Developer Power Toys” or “Power Toys for Developers.”  My concern is that if I went with “Power Toys for Visual Studio”, would you expect to find tools like the Managed Stack Explorer or a .NET install verification tool (something we’re thinking about for upcoming sprints)?

Another way to think of this is if I had to rename the power toys blog to something, like “Power Toys for ____” blog, what would go into the blank?

Let me know your thoughts.