Enterprise Library June 2005 In Stores Now
Well not really, but it is on the web. I know I am a little late to the game on this one, been on vacation. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Most everything in this release is the integration of the patches that were already out. There are a couple of new features that support our man in Philly : Lenny Fenster (who is writing a book on Enterprise Library). The other thing we did was tried to give a few performance enhancements that will help all the blocks and focusing on Logging. Your mileage may vary .
Get it here!
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- Anonymous
July 06, 2005
I haven't dug deep into the source, but does the configuration block allow you to make use of the SpecialFolders enumeration? One of the key usage scenarios, of course, is where you want to be able to have seperate configuration files for shared and per-user settings and need to determine at runtime the full path to the common application directory and the user application directories. Trouble is, I see know way to specify this in the App.Config file.
For that matter, how would you do the same if you're storing to the registry?
I know that I encountered this issue before -- a situation where I had to implement this myself -- but my addled memory can't recall where or when. - Anonymous
July 06, 2005
Hi Scott,
I downloaded the June Edition of the Enterprise Library and followed the direction of the release notes to get it working with VS 2005 Beta 2, but I am still getting this error when Vs.Net tries to parse the web.config file:
"ReadonlyConfigurationSectionData is not found in schema".
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. - Anonymous
July 10, 2005
I had the same problem as Ralph above. Are we the only ones?
Enterprise Library is fin awesome - Anonymous
July 21, 2005
I'm also having the problem. Has anyone resolved it yet?