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Global Meetings

As Microsoft is a global company, it is not uncommon to have meeting scheduled that include participants from a number of different regions.  The more time zones that are represented in the call, the harder it is to schedule.  Invariably, someone is going to end up calling in from home at the crack of dawn, or a super-late hour.

I had just one such call this morning, and found a great tool to help schedule the call. You input the day of the call, and the participant cities, and it will generate a nice chart showing business hours in each region (green), waking hours outside of business hours (yellow), and time when people are typically sleeping.  Although someone will always end up with the short end of the scheduling stick, this can help take some of the sting away.

Check it out!

(Site is not associated with Microsoft, use at your own risk, it may eat all the cookies in your house for all I know, but I have found it to be a very useful site ;)
