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Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) Job Aids released

imageAs I mentioned in an earlier post, the recently released Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) v.4 is extraordinarily helpful from a practical standpoint in running your IT organization.  I'm glad to see that they just released the job aids and templates that accompany the documentation available with MOF.  From the Microsoft Operations Framework Job Aids page:

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0 is designed to help IT professionals quickly access useful, relevant content. It contains practical guidance—not just theory—and its streamlined approach makes it possible to use either the entire framework or one process from a particular service management function (SMF).
In a similar fashion, these job aids are intended to provide tools that IT professionals can put to immediate use. Job aids are most often in the form of templates and examples; these items can be tailored to meet the needs of specific organizations and activities.
The job aids are packaged by MOF phase, so IT pros can choose the tools that are likely to be most useful given the task at hand. Here is a list of what is available within each package:

  • Manage
    • Change Management Forward Schedule Template
    • Request for Change Template
    • Risk Template Tool
  • Plan
    • Operating Level Agreement Template
    • Operations Level Agreement
    • Privacy Policy Sample
    • Service Level Agreement Template
    • SIP Service Catalog Sample
  • Deliver
    • Functional Specification
    • Migration Plan
    • Site Deployment Project Plan
    • Test Cases Workbook
    • Test Plan
    • Test Specification
    • Training Plan
    • Vision Scope
  • Operate
    • Incident Management Ticket Template
    • Operations and Services Description Template

This collection of job aids will be expanded on an ongoing basis, supplying tools for IT professionals to use throughout the IT service lifecycle.
Send questions or feedback to us directly at

Download the job aids here.