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VS2003 SP1 is live on the web and off to manufacturing

This one certainly covered a bunch of ground, people and calendar time. Special thanks to Natalia and Michael from DDCPX QA for outstanding performance and diligence in their respective areas. PMs, QA and Devs on all product team were instrumental in helping us ship a release that is demonstrably more stable to our customers. 


I also want to offer a huge thank you to customers that actively participated in the beta program earlier this year. Your feedback and work exercising the included fixes were invaluable.


We held it a bit longer than planned for very good reasons and those customer that continue to rely on the VS 2003 can continue working with an even better tool. There have been many lessons learned which will be put to good use improving DDCPX processes and practices. Thanks again to all customers who participated in the beta or got feedback to us through other channels.


The fix list KB article (918007) is not yet available on the web and we’re working to get that published as soon as possible. In the meantime here are links to the patch and release notes.



Lee Coward

Visual Studio 2003 SP1 Program Manager


Update: fix list KB article is live.