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SharePoint 제품에 관심이 있는 전세계 사용자/관리자/개발자들의 커뮤니티 기반으로 유용한 정보를 백과사전 방식으로 모아서 제공하는 SharePointPedia 사이트가 개설되었습니다;

전세계에 걸쳐 있는 SharePoint 제품 사용자/관리자/개발자들의 노하우를 확인해 보십시오. 다음은  SharePointPedia 사이트로부터 발췌한 사이트 소개글입니다.

SharePointPedia.comis a web site where
people discover and share useful content about SharePoint and
SharePoint related products and technologies. It’s a social computing
application built on top of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)
2007. Anyone with a Windows Live ID
may become a registered user and can then submit content
recommendations or requests, leave comments, or just vouch for whatever
they like.

Note that SharePointPedia is not a wiki. It’s
a “pedia” in the sense of being a compendium of useful content, but
rather than being limited by just wiki functionality, it leverages the
much broader set of capabilities in SharePoint. SharePointPedia
is also about community, where you can find and connect with others,
who have similar interests as you or who have recommended content
relevant to you.