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Visio diagram and site template from Office Online workflow videos

Hello all, Stephen here again. Awhile back I recorded a series of workflow videos that were posted on Office Online:

Watch this: Design a document review workflow solution

Many of you have submitted comments asking if I could make available both the Visio diagram shown in the videos and the solution itself.

I’m happy to oblige (and apologies for the delay), so please find attached to this blog post a .zip file containing the site template (.stp file) and Visio diagram (.vsd file).

A few notes:

  • The solution uses the Document Center site template found in SharePoint Server 2007 (not Windows SharePoint Services), so it must be deployed to a SharePoint Server environment.

  • The site template includes WorkflowDashboard.aspx, but the Data View on that page must be re-created by following the steps in the Part 12 video and the Part 13 video.

  • The URLs used in the e-mail messages in the workflows must be updated to reflect the path of the new site, as mentioned in the Part 14 video.

Hope you find this helpful.

Workflow diagram

Diagram and Solution from Document Review