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Small Basic - Controls are Shapes

All of the Controls (Buttons, TextBoxes etc) that can be created with the Controls object can be manipulated with the Shapes object methods.

This can create some fun effects and make your games or programs more visually interesting.

Here is a simple example - it is possible to click it, but pretty hard!

gw `` = ``600

gh `` = ``600

GraphicsWindow``.`` Width `` = ``gw

GraphicsWindow``.`` Height `` = ``gh


clickMe `` = ``Controls``.``AddButton``(``"Click Me"``,``0``,``0``)


GraphicsWindow``.`` MouseMove `` = ``OnMouseMove

Controls``.`` ButtonClicked `` = ``OnButtonClicked


Sub ``OnMouseMove

  `` x `` = ``Math``.``Abs``(``gw``-``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseX``)

  `` y `` = ``Math``.``Abs``(``gh``-``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseY``)

  `` dist `` = ``Math``.``SquareRoot``(``(``x``-``gw``/``2``)``*``(``x``-``gw``/``2``)``+``(``y``-``gh``/``2``)``*``(``y``-``gh``/``2``)``)






Sub ``OnButtonClicked

  ``GraphicsWindow``.`` BackgroundColor `` = ``"Red"
