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Navigating a large DataSet with the Document Outline - Zoom

In 2005 we now have a new DataSet Designer.  While we had planned to implement Zoom functionality it turned out to be more difficult then we had hoped.  Long term we plan to leverage the new design framework that’s used by the Class designer.  However, this infrastructure wasn’t completed earlier enough for our team to use in Whidbey.  The designer we have today is the same design surface for WinForms and it just doesn’t support any Zoom capabilities.  Even the 2003 XSD Schema Designer had issues with Zoom.  …yes, I know it would be really nice to have Zoom on the Form designer as well for aligning those tedious forms.  Hopefully Snap Lines will help.

For the DataSet designer, typically developers don’t need to zoom in to critically adjust the layout.  They’re just trying to find a particular DataTable or TableAdapter. 

In 2005 we now support the Document Outline.  Because we use the Form Designer, you can use the Document Outline to present a list of the tables and table adapters.  Simply open the Document Outline with View – Other Windows – Document Outline, or CTRL+ALT+T.

Click on the DataTable or TableAdapter and it’s brought front and center…



  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2005
    This seems to be broken in RTM. I mean, the document outline correctly shows all elements in the dataset, but selecting nodes in the outline does not always scroll the designer window to show the selected element.