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MSDN Code Gallery - snippets, samples and resources

Providing our customers with best in class development tools is only one piece of what we need to do to help them be successful or, in some cases, even get started. One of the most requested things we have heard is that developers want snippets, samples, sample applications and other resources. There are many ways we get this type of information out to the community. The first, and probably most broadly implemented, is through blogs like ScottGuā€™s.

A new resource that we have just launched is The MSDN Code Gallery.

The MSDN Code Gallery is a portal for snippets, samples and other resources. In it you can find pages that describe samples and supporting documents including screenshots and design documents. In addition, you will find hosted conversations about these samples, sample projects or other resources that have been provided to the community. This destination is open to the entire community to contribute content to.

Code Gallery is, at its core, simply a community enabled site where we share developer enabling information and resources that will be integrated into the MSDN experience.

However, Code Gallery is a pure storage site with no project management capabilities. If you need to manage a live code project and collaborate with others on it, use CodePlex, another offering that we provide for open source project hosting. And for more significant pieces of content such as SDKs and product downloads, you can always go to

Hopefully, the MSDN Code Gallery provide you with another valuable resource for you to get started and be successful.
