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Lab Management and Team Build Rangers Guidance


I deliver many sessions focussed around Application Lifecycle Management using TFS (Team Foundation Server). One of the frequent requests is around guidance. The ALM Rangers team does a fantastic job of taking real world experiences with the product, and documenting them. Over the weekend they released two more sets of guidance – in areas where I certainly receive quite a few requests.

The Rangers Build Customization Guide has guidance and tooling to simplify the customization of Team Foundation Build covering areas like deployment, build process templates and activities. It also includes hands-on labs and reference posters.

The Lab Management Guide includes guidance on areas like golden image management, setting up Test environments with respect to pre-defined personas,setup and configuration for both automated and manual tests as well managing and maintaining a Lab Management environment. It also includes some hands-on labs and reference posters.

I highly recommend that you check these out. You can find a list of other ALM Rangers projects here.

Ahmed Salijee