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How to write custom logs into ULS logs – SharePoint Foundation 2010 ( WSS 4.0) ?

Here is a sample script for writing your custom entries into ULS log. In WSS 3.0 it was little difficult as there was no any direct APIs to do it like in MOSS. But in 2010 version, SharePoint Foundation (WSS 4.0) also has this facility.


 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
 namespace WriteIntoULSLog
     public class Program
         public static void Main(string[] args)
             SPDiagnosticsService diagSvc = SPDiagnosticsService.Local;
             diagSvc.WriteTrace( 0, 
                                                     new SPDiagnosticsCategory("Sowmyan's category",  TraceSeverity.Monitorable, EventSeverity.Error), 
                                                     "Writing to the ULS log:  {0}",
                                                     new object[] { "SharePoint 2010 rocks!"});           


 $diagSvc = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDiagnosticsServices]::Local
 $category = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDiagnosticsCategory(“My Category”,
                                   [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.EventSeverity]::Error )
 $diagSvc.WriteTrace(0, $category, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.TraceSeverity]::Monitorable, “Write your log here” )