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Now that SQL Server 2008 R2 has RTM'ed...

We have been pretty excited about the last few weeks where there has been a lot of buzz about SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM.  As noted in the SQL Server Data Platform Insider blog posting, this release has a lot of interesting features and is a major release.  We have spent a lot of time with many TAP customers and many of the case studies mentioned in the blog are SQLCAT customers including the following case studies:

Ø Bank of New Zealand ,

Ø Studio Moderna

Ø CareGroup Healthcare System

So what's next for the SQLCAT and SQL Server 2008 R2?

  • Regularly visit as we will continue to publish our technical notes and whitepapers on our deep technical learnings (note we had already published the PowerPivot Technical Diagram: PowerPivot Client/Server Architecture
  • Attend the joint TechEd North America / MS BI Conference in New Orleans June 7-10, 2010 - with our Ted Kummert as the key note speaker!  A number of us will be attending and presenting at this year's joint conference.
  • Plan to attend PASS 2010 North America in Seattle November 8-11,2010.  We will be continuing our SQLCAT track of sessions as well as "CSS and SQLCAT First Aid clinic" to answer all your questions.
  • You can also follow us on twitter via @sqlcat (though we typically do not answer questions via twitter due to the sheer volume of requests).





  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2011
    Hola, quiero contarles que me ha entrado en vichito de conocer todo acerca de SQL Server 2008 pero no tengo muy buenas bases, me gustaria como debo empezar dese cero y si existe alguna pagina en especial clara y con muy buenas referencias mil gracias