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Special update: SSDT Preview Update with SQL Server 2016 RC2 support

Update: Now that SSDT is GA, please go to the main SSDT download page to get SSDT. The post below has been preserved for reference.

Original post:

This month we are not releasing the standard SSDT monthly refresh on our main download page. We'll cover why we're doing this and how to get support for the latest SQL Server 2016 RC2 compatible SSDT download in this post. If you are an SSRS user we recommend you read the whole post, for anyone else you can skip to the bottom for download links.

Who Should download this SSDT Update
SSIS users who target SQL Server 2016, and anyone looking to try new SSAS or SSRS features added in RC1 or RC2 should download this update. For anyone else, we recommend waiting 2-3 weeks until our next update which resolves the known issue described below. Before downloading and installing this update, please read the following issue description first.

Known issue with this update
Report deployment can fail when targeted SQL Server 2014 or earlier

When build or deploy a Reporting Services report project whose TargetServerVersion is set to “SQL Server 2008” or “SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012, or 2014,” you might encounter the following error: “Attribute MustUnderstand was detected in the report. SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services and earlier do not support MustUnderstand. Either reduce the error level to a value less than 2 or change the TargetServerVersion to a version that supports MustUnderstand.”

The issue is that the MustUnderstand attribute, currently only prefixed to the DefaultFontFamily element, is incorrectly perceived as an item that needs to be downgraded instead of removed. This issue will be fixed in the next update of SSDT.

Work around if you want to use SSRS against SQL Server 2014 or lower:
Set the project’s ErrorLevel to 1 or 0 in the project properties to change the error to a warning. Note that a side-effect of lowering the error level is possible automatic deletion of elements incompatible with the TargetServerVersion. For details about error levels and project properties, see Set deployment properties.

Download SSDTSetup.exe for Visual Studio 2015 -