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Public Beta OpenUMR - Cross Monitoring Integrator available

Today I got a friendly email from Markus Schneider about the general availability of OpenUMR on CodePlex. I was interested in this project but it was not open for public yet. But now it is and it looks very cool.

OpenUMR (Open Universal Message Receiver)
OpenUMR offers the capability to integrate agentless all kinds of monitoring solutions into Operations Manager 2007 R2 in a very easy way.
A cross-platform script interface gives the flexibility to discover monitoring objects and to send event/performance data from remote.

Basic Idea
The basic idea behind OpenUMR is to combine the power of Open Source with the strength of Operations Manager 2007 R2. Open Source
gives us the flexibility we need to handle the complexity that is caused by the individual needs of an enterprise IT environment.

Life means diversity! - So we think the most efficient way to build up an effective enterprise Monitoring is to integrate existing System
Management solutions instead of replacing them. In our opinion that's the most practical and successful approach. With OpenUMR we want
to develop a powerful interface that makes it easy for you to create a "Focal Point of IT-Control" with Operations Manager 2007 R2
especially for non Windows-Components.

Our wish is that OpenUMR grows by a strong community that improves the code, creates a lot of different management packs and event
message senders (OpenUMS) in all kinds of languages (Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP, PowerShell, Groovy etc...)

Please, never forget - OpenUMR is only one more way to do things.

10 Good reasons for using OpenUMR

  •  Native Integration
  •  Decentral Administration
  •  Remote Discovery
  •  Event/Alert Management
  •  Performance Data Collection
  •  High Availability
  •  Agentless Architecture
  •  Fast and Simple
  •  Open Source Free of Charge

So take an look and let Markus know what you think about this new cool project.