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Using VSTS for Distributed Development

One of the questions Soma was asked last year while he was travelling in Europe was, "how can VSTS be used for distributed development?" VSTS is widely used for distributed development – in fact, our own team is distributed across 3 major sites (Redmond, Raleigh and Hyderabad).

Soma asked us if we could write a whitepaper describing this to help the field out, which was a very good idea. Last year Sudhir Hasbe and Brian Keller wrote a great whitepaper on how to use VSTS for distributed development. It includes a complete overview for using VSTS in branch office scenarios, virtual office scenarios and for contracted and/or fully outsourced development. If you are reading this and you work in the Microsoft field, you can find the whitepaper posted here: [link] .

We don't yet have a version of this available for wide distribution outside the field. If you are reading this and you are a customer, please comment on the bottom of this blog post and I'll happily read the comments. We actively prioritize our work according to what is most useful to customers and always appreciate feedback.
